Nappy Run is an annual campaign, which started in 2011 that raises awareness about the issues facing children with disabilities in South Africa. The campaign aims to make a strong and positive impact on the lives of thousands of children with disabilities, providing awareness about their basic needs as well as overall advancement of the dignity, care, development and social inclusion of these children. Nappy Run undertakes advocacy and lobbying, while also raising funds to buy nappies for children with disabilities.

The campaign runs from the 3rd of October to the 3rd of December ending on International Day for Persons with Disabilities, it also falls within National Children’s Month (October) and Disability Rights Awareness Month (November). APD Mpumalanga uses this period to market the campaign and request donations of nappies from Businesses and the Community at large. Marketing is done through exhibitions, radio slot, and during awareness campaigns in the communities.


Children with disabilities are the direct beneficiaries of the project. The disabled children are identified at the Centres monitored by APD Mpumalanga, through walk-ins, referrals by stakeholders, awareness campaigns and radio slots. Currently there are 168 beneficiaries on the Nappy Run Database. A total of 998 packs of nappies were donated to beneficiaries in Mbombela, Nkomazi, Mpuluzi and Acornhoek between the Years 2020 to 2023.