The job placement project is a program aimed at assisting unemployed disabled individuals to access the job market. Unemployment of persons with disabilities remains a challenge in South Africa. Employment equity act seeks to eliminate all forms of discrimination. It protects people who have been historically discriminated against in the workplace from unfair discrimination and directs employers to implement affirmative action measures to redress such discrimination. Employment equity ACT encourages employers to employ at least 2 % of persons with disability as they were previously discriminated. As Apd Mpumalanga our role is to advocate for the employment of persons with disabilities in the work places.
Persons with disabilities are the direct beneficiaries of the project. The candidates are identified at the disability Centres monitored by APD Mpumalanga, through walk-ins, referrals by stakeholders, awareness campaigns and radio slots conducted in local communities.

- Assist candidates to compile CVs.
- Compile a database of job seekers.
- The candidates will fill in the registration form before we register them in our database.
- We approach potential employer for available job opportunities and discuss with them our placement procedure, fees and contracting with Apd Mpumalanga.
- CVs are forwarded to potential employers.
- Should the candidate be invited for an interview, we prepare them before the interview.
- When the employer has selected the candidate, we do sensitisation to the new employer and colleagues and inform them about the specific needs of the new employee.
- We visit the employee and employer quarterly to ensure that both are happy.
Concise CV should include the following
- Personal Information: Full names, Date of birth, ID number, Nationality, Gender, Home language, Other Languages, Disability.
- Contact details: Residential address, postal address, cell phone number and email address.
- Educational qualifications: high school attended, highest grade passed and subjects.
- Tertiary education: institution, course, subjects, year, qualification.
- Employment history: company, position, period employed, duties and reason for leaving.
- References at least list of 2 or 3.